Your large workforce is out in the field every day, filling pot holes, repairing stop lights, fixing water main breaks, making deliveries or quickly restoring electricity after a storm, so you need to be able to connect with them no matter where their job takes them.
MOTOTRBO Connect Plus multi-site digital trunking is a two-way radio system that enables you to accommodate the high volume, wide area communication that's required for your business. Whether you need coverage at a single site or across multiple sites, Connect Plus can be scaled to meet your communication needs. Your work teams can not only talk to one another or the main facility, they can also use data applications to make their job more efficient and safe, including text messaging, location tracking and dispatch console capability. All the while, you gain the added benefits of TDMA digital technology like increased capacity and clear audio.
When your drivers hit the road in the morning, centralized dispatch keeps them within reach no matter where they go. When you need multiple drivers to pick up unscheduled loads all at the same time, one dispatcher can coordinate their routes and schedules to keep the freight flowing. Dynamic roaming automatically switches to the strongest available signal as drivers travel from zone to zone, and the transfer is seamless with no interruptions. And for routine or low priority messaging, you can text so drivers can read it at their convenience without distracting them while in traffic.
When your fleet is dispatched across the city and your workers are miles apart, you need a way to stay connected. MOTOTRBO Connect Plus multi-site trunking extends digital voice and data communication, so no matter where your workforce goes, they can be reached - making them more efficient and safer in the process.
Automatic Channel Access
Instead of trying again and again to place a call or to send data, calls are queued during busy times until an open channel is available. You're then automatically notified that you can complete your call.
No Need to Change Channels
As you travel from one site to the next, you can keep your focus on the job instead of hassling with manual site changes. Dynamic site roaming automatically registers you with the nearest site so you can travel and always stay connected.
Centralized Access to Your Work Force
Keeping connected with a large workforce operating in the field is vital to keeping your business productive and your workers safe. With an IP-based wire-line console, you can have centralized dispatch capability for visibility and access to your mobile work teams no matter where the job takes them. When an urgent customer pick-up request comes into the office, dispatch can quickly locate the nearest driver and efficiently direct them to your customer's location. When your road repair crew finds a water main break across the city, dispatch can quickly contact the water department to turn off water flow to that area. Or when a sub-station loses power, dispatch can connect the field repairman with the main facility to assist with the repair.
Experience Communications with No Limits
MOTOTRBO Connect Plus makes it possible to expand your communications far beyond just voice. Integrated data applications give your workforce access to real-time information. Your workers get great convenience, and you avoid purchasing, installing and maintaining additional equipment.
This system supports text messaging for greater ease, accuracy and worker safety. For example, drivers can send a text confirmation when a customer delivery has been completed. Or when your work crew is perched twenty feet above the road repairing a stop light, you can send directions to the next job without distracting them from the one they are on.
To provide better, faster service, radios are equipped with an integrated GPS module. When used with a location tracking application, you can locate people and assets with a glance. This makes it easier to better manage your mobile work force. For example, you can quickly respond to incidents by locating the nearest employee and dispatching them to the scene. It also makes it easier to manage your fleet so you can make deliveries and drive routes more efficiently.
MOTOTRBO Connect Plus will have access to the industry's largest application developer program. You can develop your own custom applications to work exactly the way you work. Or you can add applications that are already developed and ready to go. There are dispatch consoles to manage your fleet, network monitoring for system maintenance and improvement, work order ticket applications, email gateways and many more.
Achieve Performance-Changing Efficiency
When your mobile workforce is well connected, it is far easier for them to quickly address customer requests, handle tasks and complete repairs. And MOTOTRBO Connect Plus is so rich, so robust and so flexible, it has the potential to fundamentally change how employees are able to do their job.
MOTOTRBO Connect Plus provides you with the convenience of digital-clear voice and data communication in one device. Not only can you talk with your work force across a wide area, you can text your driver with directions to the next repair location and spot your employees in the field easier with GPS location tracking for quicker response to customer requests. Communication for your entire work area can be centralized through a dispatch console for unparalleled efficiency. And you can use the network manager for simple and seamless maintenance, without disrupting any business activity.
Please contact us for a quote.